Saturday, February 7, 2009

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

Lupus means "wolf." Eryrhematosus means "redness."
This name was coined for this disease by the doctor (in 1985), as the facial rash that usually appears with lupus looked like the bite of the wolf.

SLE often begins with a skin rash over the nose and cheeks that is shaped like a "butterfly"and is usually worsened by exposure to the sun.
Light sensitivity is a common feature of lupus, affecting about 60% of sufferers. Some find that no matter what measures and prevention they take to tolerate with small amounts of exposure to sunlight and artificial lighting that emits UV is difficult and unbearable. For these people, light avoidance becomes a way of life which males their situation very isolated affecting their normal lives.

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